History’s Most Daring Escapes

Escape Game Rooms are a great way to reinvent yourself if even for only an hour, escaping from enemies, magicians, aliens and anything else you can think of. There have been so many daring escapes in history that it’s easy to understand how anyone would want to emulate this in a game. If you’d like to find out more about history’s most daring escapes, then you’re in for treat today. Hopefully it will provide you with enough inspiration to try the game yourself, because we can’t wait to see you here. 

The Midnight Express

This is the story of a daring student who was serving a life sentence in prison for drug smuggling but then managed to escape and find himself on an adventure. He used a variety of different methods to escape the authorities including the use of a rowing boat and a train, travelling as far as Istanbul and Greece. After this he went to America and wrote a book which then became a film. A happy ending!

Helicopter hi-jinks

Once is good, twice is even better. Pascal Payet escaped twice, and not only that, from two different prisons in France, both high security. Four men helped him to escape by flying him out of prison by helicopter. He then miraculously went on to help 3 other people escape the same way – I think he must have loved using this mode of travel. Alcatraz prison is on a lonely island in the middle of nowhere, difficult to escape from you’d think. It was designed to be completely impenetrable, however someone did escape. They did it by digging themselves out and then crawling through an air vent and then came down a drainpipe and escaped, but some thought they’d drowned. So did they really escape?

Escape Lincoln – for a contained escape that’ll give you the same high

Yes, we have a game of intrigue and excitement which no doubt you’re itching to try yourself. Be aware that no one will be expecting you to dig your way out or climb down a drainpipe or swim to the shore. You will be expected to use your own skills and grey matter only. We look forward to seeing you here, but if you do decide to dig your way out then please be aware someone will need to fill in the hole after. Book one of our rooms online or over the phone and we’ll see you down here – torches not required. But it’s useful if you come here with an open mind and a sense of expectation. We look forward to seeing you.